Canfield News

VECTRA® WB360 3D imaging system provides exciting opportunities for skin cancer detection, teledermatology at Rockhampton clinic

Dermatology Solutions in Rockhampton, Queensland provides accessible skin cancer treatment thanks to the VECTRA WB360® whole-body imaging system. The imaging system has been assisting Dr. John Evans and his wife Dr. Leith Banney, Director of Dermatology at the Sunshine Coast University Hospital, as they screen patients for the earliest signs of melanoma. Using 3D body mapping technology and a capture system with 92 cameras, the system can capture the entire visible surface of the patient’s skin and record lesion changes with macro quality resolution. These images can also be securely reviewed remotely by dermatologists using DICOM communication and file sharing technology. Danella Martin of the Cancer Council Center Queensland found the VECTRA WB360 system to be “exciting”, as “improvements in technology” and accessibility help dermatologists prepare their final diagnosis. 

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